All of these recipes can be made by mixing them in a base of distilled water and spraying them in the air. Unpreserved recipes in a distilled water base, however, will tend to grow contaminants after awhile – and can also dampen surfaces they are sprayed on, leading to further contaminant growth.
A better idea would be to put the essential oil mixture in a base of commercial witch hazel or diluted alcohol (inexpensive vodka works well). Both commercial witch hazel and diluted vodka are clear, have little scent, and retard the growth of microorganisms due to their alcohol content. They also evaporate more quickly than distilled water due to the alcohol content, leading less sogginess and less potential for contaminant growth. As always, take care where you spray them, avoiding eyes and mucus membranes as well as varnished surfaces that might be sensitive to alcohol.
Rise and Shine Recipe
10 drops orange
10 drops chamomile
8 drops lemon
Relaxing Blend
10 drops bergamot
10 drops sandalwood
5 drops clove
5 drops ylang ylang
Summer Blend
10 drops lemon
4 drops geranium
3 drops petitgrain
3 drops sandalwood
Fresh and Clean
10 drops rosemary
10 drops lavender
5 drops lemon
5 drops lime