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Castor oil, USP
    Castor oil, USP
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    Sold by weight. Ricinus communis L. This oil, derived from the castor bean and obtained by cold pressure, is rich in fatty acids and very moisturizing and lubricating to the skin in general. It acts as a humectant, attracting moisture to the skin. Castor oil packs applied with warm flannel are believed effective for pain relief and to 'draw out' cysts, boils and warts.

    Ayurvedic medicine has long used castor oil for lumbago, sciatica and rheumatism. In the Canary Islands the oil is used to prevent sore nipples in nursing mothers and is also rubbed onto their scalps to prevent post natal hair loss. In soapmaking, although castor oil would appear to require less sodium hydroxide, it sometimes requires more due to its high ricinoleic acid content. It's also a well-known superfatting agent and well suited for shampoo bars and skin-care products. Without other oils, it produces a transparent soft soap. In combination with over vegetable oils, however, it makes a wonderfully emollient, hard bar of soap. SAP value: 180.3. INCI: Ricinus communis (castor) seed oil.

    From folk medicine: Castor oil fomentations are recommended for ridding the body of hardened mucus in the form of cysts, tumors and polyps. The castor oil is applied by soaking a flannel cloth in the oil and applying it over the liver. A hot water bottle or electric heating pad is applied on top of the pack and left on the area for 30 to 60 minutes. This is repeated daily for three days followed by olive oil massages over the same area for three days. On the seventh day, it is recommended by some that the patient should rest by fasting on nothing but distilled water. Depending on the particular case, this procedure should be repeated for between six weeks to six months to properly cleanse the system.

    Materials Needed To Make A Castor Oil Pack (1) Three layers of natural, uncolored wool or flannel cotton large enough to cover the area being treated. (2) Castor oil. (3) Plastic wrap large enough to cover the cloth. (4) Hot water bottle or electric blanket. Procedure: (1) Soak cotton with castor oil. It should be saturated but not dripping. (2) Place the pack on the area being treated, for example lower right abdomen [liver]. (3) Cover the pack with plastic wrap and place a hot water bottle over the pack. (4) Leave the pack on for 30-60 minutes. Use the castor oil pack 3-7 days per week. Precautions include avoiding meal times, not using the pack during heavy menses, and avoiding contact with fabric that could become stained. The same pack may be used for weeks or months. Refresh with additional oil if necessary. Conditions are said to have been responsive to castor oil applications include (please consult with a health care professional before you apply a castor pack; the information we provide below is just that, information which is readily available to all either in books or on the web): skin keratosis; ringworm, fungal and bacterial infections; wounds; abdominal stretch marks (prevention); bursitis; sebaceous cysts; warts; liver or age spots; muscle strains; ligament sprains; itching; chronic fluid retention with swollen joints and pain; arthritis; upper respiratory infections involving the sinuses, tonsils and inner ear; colon problems involving inflammation; gallbladder disease; boils; liver cirrhosis; hepatitis; menstrual-related congestion; constipation, bowel impaction or adhesions; bladder and vaginal infections.

    Additional info from renowned herbalist Susun Weed:

    The commercially extracted (not infused) oil of the seeds of this poisonous plant was the remedy most frequently recommended by the psychic healer Edgar Cayce for resolving lumps and growths. (The poison isn�t in the oil, but�if taken internally�castor oil is a strong laxative.)

    The classic application is a hot castor oil compress made by baking a flannel cloth saturated in castor oil in the oven until it is thoroughly heated. This hot compress is applied, covered with plastic and/or layers of towels to hold in the heat, and kept on as long as possible. In extreme cases, compresses are applied continuously, day and night. For small lumps, room temperature castor oil is applied morning and night ( before bed), and covered completely with a regular adhesive strip (or two). Note from Camden-Grey: Please set your oven at the lowest possible temperature and check on it every 5 minutes until done. It's your responsibility to do this properly!!

    Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose or treat any condition. Please consult your health care professional with any health-related concerns and for diagnosis and treatment.

    Susun Weed, PO Box 64, Woodstock, NY 12498, Fax: 1-845-246-8081

    Visit Susun Weed at:

    Legal Disclaimer: This content is not intended to replace conventional medical treatment. Any suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom. Personal directions and use should be provided by a clinical herbalist or other qualified healthcare practitioner with a specific formula for you. All material on this website/email is provided for general information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or consultation. Contact a reputable healthcare practitioner if you are in need of medical care. Exercise self-empowerment by seeking a second opinion.

    This product is food grade; however, Camden-Grey sells its products only for external use. It is the customer’s responsibility to understand the information contained in a product’s MSDS and to become familiar and well versed in how each product should be used, including a product’s precautions, if any. MSDS’s are posted on our site, look for the MSDS link at the top, right, of all our pages.

    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    5/5 Stars out of 26 Reviews
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    Better than the brambleberry castor oil
    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    Johnny Yu (San Francisco, CA, US) | June 29th, 2018
    I bought this and brambleberry castor oil and for some reason this oil is more viscous. However, it creates a nice cold process soap that completely loses the strange castor oil smell when raw. Would buy again.
    Cant live without this oil
    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    Jasmine Floyd (Homestead, FL, US) | October 8th, 2015
    Must have for my body butters. Excellent for nourishing my scalp and skin!!!
    Great quality for the price
    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    ALICIA FOLSOM (Albertville, AL, US) | August 6th, 2015
    I have paid a little less for this oil somewhere else but it just wasn't as good, and didn't come in big bottles. Shipping prices are always really good from Camden-Grey and its where I purchase everything I need for experiments and products now.
    Castor Oil
    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    Martha Ricci (Bronx, NY, US) | February 21st, 2015
    I love how this oil can be used to make your own laundry soap detergent and cleans very well the clothes. Love Camden-Grey Castor Oil!
    Amazing healing oil
    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    Barb Murphy (Holt, MI, US) | February 21st, 2014
    I had an incredibly painful infection under my thumb nail which was not responding to any conventional treatment. I was desperate when I thought of using CG castor oil. I applied a thick layer of castor oil mixed with a bit of helichrysum essential oil and left this bandage on overnight. The next morning the infection and pain were completey gone! This oil is amazing.
    Fantastic Oil!
    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    Roshan Richards (Pleasant Grove, UT, US) | April 24th, 2013
    I use A LOT of castor oil in my products. It is the deepest penetrating oil so quality is important to me to ensure superior products. Camden-Grey's castor oil is the best quality for the price I have found. Thanks so much!
    I'm in Love
    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    Mariquita Lewis (Jackson, MS, US) | September 4th, 2012
    I have a 4a African American hair type and this oil has taken it to a new level. My hair is shiny without being greasy and it SO much body. I will be purchasing my next batch in bulk.!!
    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    Latiqua Gathers (Hollywood, SC, US) | July 23rd, 2012
    This castor oil is awesome! It helps to make my type 4 natural hair a lot more manageable. This mixed with aloe vera juice makes for an amazing pre-poo and helps to keep your hair from drying out when you shampoo. Also helps with growth and thickness. Give it a try!!
    Luscious lip gloss
    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    Jannie Wick (Newark, OH, US) | July 6th, 2012
    I used CG's castor oil along with glycerin, lip safe mica and flavor oil to make a fun lip gloss at a girl's retreat. We put the ingredients in glass roll on bottles. The castor oil added great shine and moisture without any offensive taste or scent. The girls loved it!
    Great Product! Great Price!
    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    Rebecca Cox (Atoka, OK, US) | June 26th, 2012
    I just made a liquid shampoo with 30% castor oil. It's great! And at this price I can afford to add it to all my cp soaps.
    Review Castor oil, USP

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    EO = essential oil

    FO = fragrance oil



    Essential oils: Are sold only in the quantities/net weights listed on our website. These oils are shipped to us by the distiller or manufacturer in industry-standard metal or plastic containers and that’s how we ship them to you.

    Carrier oils and most other liquids are dispensed in individual HDPE plastic pails or containers with some type of handle, each container holds the purchased net weight of liquid.

    Soft butters such as Horsetail and Almond are dispensed in plastic HDPE pails w/metal handles; those butters may remain inside the pails indefinitely when properly stored. Hard butters such as Cocoa are dispensed factory-wrapped in plastic and placed inside a box. Castile Gel is dispensed in a self-contained cubitainer with pouring spout.

    NOTE: While the packaging methods mentioned above are generalized, we reserve the right to dispense and ship in any available container. If a customer at any time feels more comfortable transferring an essential or carrier oil to glass, this should be done.

    Raw materials/ingredients are sold and dispensed by weight. Many customers ask how many ounces are in a pound, there are 16 ounces in one pound. These are not fluid ounces, they are ounces by weight.

    HOW TO STORE: EOs, FOs and BUTTERS should be stored in tightly-sealed containers away from direct light and heat. Some EOs and FOs could be highly flammable, keep away from open flames and from varnished or wood surfaces. Keep all liquids and powders you purchase from Camden-Grey tightly capped and away from the reach of children, the elderly or infirm and pets. Refrigerating butters could adversely affect the consistency of a butter, please join our Forum if you need to learn how to handle, work with and store products. The link is towards the top right green section of our pages.
