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Ginger essential oil
    Ginger essential oil
    Purchase Ginger essential oil

    Botanical Name: Zingiber officinale

    Plant Part: Root

    Country of Origin: China

    Method of Extraction: Steam Distillation

    Spicy, woody, warm, with a hint of lemon and pepper. It is antiseptic, analgesic, expectorant, laxative, and aphrodisiac. Aids memory, cheers one up. Eases sore throats. Settles the digestive system, effective against nausea, hangovers, jet lag, sea and travel sickness. Relieves cramps, rheumatic pains and muscle spasms. A valuable remedy in cases of impotence. Blends well with cajeput, cinnamon, eucalyptus, frankincense, geranium, orange and verbena. Flash point: 130°F. (Cannot ship via air or ocean w/o appropriate documentation, cannot ship via postal air services. UN#1993, Group III, Flammable Liquid)
    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    4.53/5 Stars out of 17 Reviews
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    Smells Yummy
    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    Hilary Lardin (JACKSONVILLE) | January 28th, 2020
    Reminds me of curry and Indian cooking.
    Smells great in blends
    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    Lisa Daniels (Byron Center, MI, US) | December 1st, 2016
    I have to admit that out of the bottle this oils stinks. HOWEVER, when you blend it with some lemongrass, grapefruit, lemon or lime essential oils, it becomes suddenly wonderful. You must use a very small amount though, as it is quite strong. I keep coming back to ginger blends for my soaps and aromatherapy diffuser recipes and I love this oil. Give it a chance - don't trust how it smells out of the bottle.
    woody, bass notes
    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    Maria Schneider (Cedar Park, TX, US) | October 19th, 2016
    This is a good eo mixed with something else, but on it's own, it smells much like dried mushrooms (sort of like dried portebello--a strong, old wood smell, a bit musty). I ordered a plumeria sample, which I found too sweet/strong. A drop of ginger in it mellowed it and gave it more bottom notes, improving both smells greatly. Mind you, nothing I've mixed it with has made it smell like fresh cut ginger, but a drop or two mixed with mandarin red gave the mandarin red a sweeter smell in a liquid hand soap that I made (not cold process, a SLS soap). All in all, I prefer clary sage for mixing with citrus. The clary tends to enhance the citrus and make it "stick" while the ginger gives it a bit of spice smell. This is high quality and strong. I will generally be mixing it into other things for cold process soap, but haven't tried it there yet. I also make shampoo and hand soaps and scents hold very well in small doses in those products.
    Strong and unique.
    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    Simon Bergeron (Montréal, QC, CA) | August 14th, 2016
    This ginger oil is very unique. Be aware that it really doesn’t smell like fresh ginger. It has a very strong smell of humid soil and musty roots. This is far from subtle. I bought this for perfume making and I will use it very sparingly in my compositions, maybe to bring some “dirty” effect. For me it smells like mud – not fresh one but rather warm and sultry mud.
    Strong, spicy, stinky
    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    Raymundo Delgadillo (Austin, TX, US) | August 31st, 2015
    Not the most delicate oil, but has great inflammatory properties. Be careful when blending, as it is rather strong.
    Warm and Spicy....Perfect
    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    Linda Solem (Florence, AZ, US) | March 19th, 2015
    This ginger EO is perfect for a warming massage blend. When diffused with lime EO, we find it brings a calm, uplifting vibe to the house...if that makes sense! A little is all that is needed.
    Intense Aroma
    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    john arink (Irvine, CA, US) | October 4th, 2014
    I bought this primarily for cooking but also for some aromatherapy recipes I want to try. It will open up to a nice fresh ginger smell once diluted, but smells so pungent, full strength, it is almost garlicky. Amazing for cooking, blend with sesame oil.
    Nice in spicy blends
    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    Amy Malone (Crofton, KY, US) | August 18th, 2013
    This oil is strong and it doesn't take much to spice up a fragrance. I use it with orange scents or in combination with cinnamon and clove scents also. Just a hint of it will add a bit of lasting power to perfume blends. Great product!
    Highest Quality, and the Best Price!
    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    Stacey Brister (Vancouver, WA, US) | October 2nd, 2012
    My daughter and I both love, love, love this ginger essential oil! It's very strong, as others have mentioned, and it goes a very long way. We made a blend using 1 part ginger, 1 part basil, 2 parts fennel, 4 parts grapefruit, and 6 parts lemon, and added it to sunflower oil for a really nice summery oil for massage, and for our cellulite. The ginger shines through beautifully. Not sure our legs look better, but they sure do smell good! I am looking forward to soaping it. It's so nice when you can use such a small amount. On the fence? Go for it! You'll be glad you did. =)
    ★★★★★ ★★★★★
    shaundel king (NJ, US) | February 18th, 2012
    Ginger fan over here! Definitely have to be careful with this oil. A little goes a looong way!! If use too much the smell is quite strong. Gave me a headache. But the benefits is GREAT! Great for PMS. Definitely did wonders for my scalp and hair. Skin as well. Love this oil. Look forward to experimenting this with other things. Thank you Camden Grey!
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    EO = essential oil

    FO = fragrance oil



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